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Articles on Cognitive Neuroscience of Music

Large, E., Kim, J.C., Flaig, N., Bharucha, J. & Krumhansl, C. (in press). A neurodynamic account of musical tonality. Music Perception.

Bharucha, J., Curtis, M.E. & Paroo, K. (2011). Alignment of brain states: Response to commentaries. In P.M. Rebuschat, M. Rohrmeier, P.A. Hawkins & I. Cross (Eds.), Language and Music as Cognitive Systems. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Curtis, M.E. & Bharucha, J. (2009). Memory and musical expectation for tones in cultural context. Music Perception, 26, 365-375.

Bharucha, J. (2008). Expectation as an implicit process (Tribute to Leonard B Meyer). Music Perception, 25, 477-478.

Tillmann, B., Bharucha, J. & Bigand, E. (2003). Learning and perceiving musical structures: further insights from artificial neural networks. In R. Zatorre & I. Peretz (Eds.), The Cognitive Neuroscience of Music. Oxford University Press.

Justus, T.C. & Bharucha, J. (2002). Music perception and cognition. In H. Pashler & S. Yantis (Eds.), Stevens Handbook of Experimental Psychology (3rd Ed). New York: Wiley.

Tillmann, B. & Bharucha, J. (1999). Perceiving and learning harmonic structure: Some news from MUSACT. International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems, 4, 289-300.

Bharucha, J. (1998). Neural nets, temporal composites and tonality. In D. Deutsch (Ed.), The Psychology of Music (2d Ed). New York: Academic Press [Reprinted in D.L. Levitin (Ed.) (2002), Foundations of Cognitive Psychology. Cambridge: MIT Press]

Tekman, H.G. & Bharucha, J. (1998). Implicit knowledge versus psychoacoustic similarity in priming of chords. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception & Performance, 24, 252-260.

Bharucha, J. (1996). Melodic anchoring. Music Perception, 13, 383-400.

Bharucha, J. & Mencl, W.E. (1996). Two issues in auditory cognition: Self-organization of categories and pitch-invariant pattern recognition. Psychological Science, 7, 142-149.

Bharucha, J. (1995). Editorial. Music Perception, 3, 271-272.

Bharucha, J. (1992). Tonality and learnability. In M.R. Jones & S. Holleran (Eds.), Cognitive bases of musical communication. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Bharucha, J. (1991). Cognitive and brain mechanisms in perceptual learning. In J., Sundberg, L. Nord & R. Carlson (Eds.), Music, Language, Speech and Brain. London: Macmillan.

Bharucha, J. (1986). Review of Cognitive processes in the perception of art by WR Crozier & AJ Chapman. Music Perception, 3, 315-322.

Krumhansl, C., & Bharucha, J. (1986). 1) Absolute pitch 2) Psychology of music 3) Tests of musical capacity and ability. In D.M. Randel (Ed.), Harvard Dictionary of Music (Rev ed). Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Bharucha, J. (1985). Kognitive Musikpsychologie. In H. Bruhn, R. Oerter & H. Rosing (Eds. and trans.), Musikpsychologie: Ein Handbuch in Schlusselbegriffen (pp 123-132). Munich: Urban & Schwarzenberg.

Bharucha, J. (1984). Event hierarchies, tonal hierarchies, and assimilation: A reply to Deutsch and Dowling. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 113, 421-425.

Castellano, M.A., Bharucha, J. & Krumhansl, C.L. (1984). Tonal hierarchies in the music of North India. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 113, 394-412.

Krumhansl, C.L., Bharucha, J. & Castellano, M.A. (1982). Key distance effects on perceived harmonic structure in music. Perception & Psychophysics, 32, 96-108.

Krumhansl, C.L., Bharucha, J. & Kessler, E.J. (1982). Perceived harmonic structure of chords in three related musical keys. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 8, 24-36.

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